Ted Eischeid

Email: [email protected]
District: 22
Party: Democrat
Toll-Free: 866-465-2095

Session Contact
State Capitol Room 412
Juneau AK, 99801
Phone: 907-465-2095
Interim Contact


Representative Ted Eischeid has had careers in wildlife management, education, and planning. He is most proud of the 25 years he spent teaching 8th and 9th grade science. He earned degrees in Fisheries & Wildlife Biology (BS) and Earth Science (MS). "Rep. Ted" proudly serves in co-leadership positions on the House Transportation and Military & Veterans Affairs committees, with additional service on the Education and Judiciary committees.

Born in Iowa and raised in rural America, Ted learned the value of hard work, community, and giving back.

As most Alaskans, he enjoys being outside in his free time, including hiking, hunting, fishing, running, biking, paddling, skiing, and gardening. He also spends as much time as possible with his wife and their dogs.

Representative Ted Eischeid hopes to bring a "can-do spirit" to Juneau and work hard to represent his constituents in Northeast Anchorage/North Muldoon.