Sara Hannan

Email: [email protected]
District: 4
Party: Democrat
Toll-Free: 877-465-4766

Session Contact
State Capitol Room 501
Juneau AK, 99801
Phone: 907-465-4766
Interim Contact
State Capitol Room 501
Juneau AK, 99801
Phone: 907-465-4766


Mark Stopha

Residency in Alaska:
Resident since 1962

Alaska Communities Lived in:
Anchorage 1962-1981
Fairbanks 1981-1985
Sitka 1985-1986
Juneau 1986-Present

West Anchorage High School
University of Alaska Fairbanks - Bachelor of Education

Political and Government Positions:
Alaska State Representatives: 2019 to Present
UA Board of Regents, Student Representative: 1982-1984

Business and Professional Positions:
Co-Owner of Alaska Wild Salmon: 2001-2019
Teacher, Juneau Douglas High School - Social Studies (Government, Psychology): 1996-2016
National Education Association Alaska Board of Directors: 2006-2014
Juneau Education Association Executive Board: 2000-2016
Teacher of English in Vladivostok, Russia: 1992-1993
Teacher, Mount Edgcumbe High School: 1985-1986

Service Organizations, Membership:
Salvation Army, Juneau: Volunteer
Past member, National Education Association

Special Interests:
Swimming, fishing, hiking and traveling